Learn How to Accept & Befriend Your Body

Promoting Body Acceptance and a Healthier Body Image for Women

Do you…

  • Call yourself “fat” and allow those negative thoughts to dominate your self-image.

  • Over-exercise to the point of physical and mental exhaustion, pushing your body beyond its limits.

  • Pick at your food with little enjoyment, then binge eat during moments of stress, or experience sequences where you don’t eat at all, leading to further confusion and distress around food.

  • Find yourself obsessively and negatively focused on your looks? Feel insecure most of the time, and attribute those feelings solely to your body?

  • Compare your body to others, often wishing you looked more like them?

  • Worry excessively about your weight, weighing yourself on a daily basis, creating a cycle of anxiety and self-doubt?

  • Focus and fixate on certain parts of your body, wishing they looked different or conformed to your ideal?

  • Engage in unhealthy and self-destructive behaviors in an attempt to change your size or appearance, believing that all your problems would be resolved if only you could alter your external image or body size?


Learn How to Accept & Befriend Your Body

After all, you only have the one body…isn’t it time to stop fighting against these unhelpful perceptions and begin working harmoniously with what you have!

Our collaborative work together will be thoughtfully tailored to help change the narrative and the current perspective that you hold about yourself and your body. Social media platforms and apps like TikTok, Instagram, and others are often unkind and unwelcoming to any body type that falls outside of what is typically considered “the norm.”

Moreover, this so-called “norm” is frequently unhealthy, unrealistic, and simply unreasonable. It is a fundamental aspect of human nature to desire fitting into the norm, wanting to feel accepted by others, and seeking to avoid feelings of shame when one's appearance deviates from these arbitrary standards. The issues of constant comparison, “fat shaming,” and societal judgment against those who may be “too thin” occur all the time, creating harmful consequences.

But it’s crucial for you to understand that it doesn’t truly matter what others think—what truly matters is what you think and feel about yourself! Your opinion and the validation you provide to yourself are far more powerful than anything anyone else may say or believe!

Dear Body,

You were never a problem. There is nothing wrong with your size…you are good enough already.



Through our sessions, you will learn how to…

  • Feel confident and comfortable in your own skin, embracing your individuality and personal journey

  • Like and accept your body as it is today, recognizing its unique beauty and worth.

  • Develop a healthier, more supportive relationship with exercise that focuses on well-being rather than appearance.

  • Know that life would not inherently be better if you looked different; true happiness comes from within.

  • Stop spending so much time and energy fixating on personal appearance, allowing yourself to actually enjoy and appreciate life more fully.

  • Stop engaging in unhealthy and self-destructive behaviors, such as disordered or restrictive eating habits and excessive exercising, that can harm both your body and mind.

  • Use healthier and more effective coping skills to better manage your emotions and the challenges life throws your way.

  • Value who you are as a person, recognizing that your worth extends far beyond mere physical appearance!
